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Parts of the Human Body I |
Parts of the Human Body II |
ankle | tobillo |
buttock | nalga |
calf | pantorrilla |
femur | fémur |
foot, feet | pie, pies |
heel | talón |
heelbone | calcáneo |
instep | empeine |
knee | rodilla |
kneecap | rótula |
metatarsus | metatarso |
patella | rótula |
phalanges | falanges |
shin | canilla |
shinbone | tibia |
splint bone | peroné |
tarsus | tarso |
thigh | muslo |
thighbone | fémur |
toe | dedo del pie |
elbow | codo |
finger | dedo |
fingertip | yema del dedo |
fist | puño |
forearm | antebrazo |
hand | mano |
humerus | húmero |
index finger | índice |
knuckle | nudillo |
little finger | meñique |
middle finger | dedo medio |
nail | uña |
palm | palma de la mano |
phalanx | falange |
ring finger | anular |
radius | radio |
second phalanx | falangina |
shoulder | hombro |
third phalanx | falangeta |
thumb | pulgar |
ulna | cúbito |
upper arm | brazo |
wrist | muñeca |
bags under the eyes | ojeras |
beard | barba |
brain | cerebro |
canine tooth | colmillo |
cheek | mejilla |
chin | mentón |
crinkles | pequeñas arrugas |
crow's feet | patas de gallo |
dimple | hoyuelo |
ear | oreja |
eye | ojo |
eyebrow | ceja |
eyelash | pestaña |
eyelid | párpado |
forehead | frente |
freckle | peca |
gum | encía |
hair | cabello |
hard palate | paladar duro |
incisors | incisivos |
lips | labios |
lower jaw | mandíbula inferior |
lower lip | labio inferior |
molars | molares |
moustache | bigote |
mouth | boca |
neck | cuello |
nose | nariz |
nostrils | agujeros de la nariz |
palate | paladar |
premolars | premolares |
pupil | pupila |
sideboards (GB) | patillas |
sideburns (US) | patillas |
tongue | lengua |
tonsil | amígdala |
tooth, teeth | diente, dientes |
throat | garganta |
upper jaw | mandíbula superior |
upper lip | labio superior |
uvula | campanilla |
wisdom tooth | muela de juicio |
wrinkles | arrugas |
abdomen | abdomen |
armpit | axila |
back | espalda |
belly | vientre |
bladder | vejiga |
breasts | pechos |
chest | pecho |
groin | ingle |
heart | corazón |
hip | cadera |
kidney | riñón |
liver | hígado |
lung | pulmón |
loins | zona lumbar |
navel | ombligo |
nipple | pezón |
spleen | bazo |
stomach | estómago |
thorax | tórax |
waist | cintura |
backbone | columna vertebral |
breast bone | esternón |
carpal | carpo |
clavicle, collarbone | clavícula |
eye socket | cuenca del ojo |
femur | fémur |
hipbone | ilion |
humerus | húmero |
kneecap | rótula |
mandible | mandíbula |
pelvis | pelvis |
phalanx | falange |
radius | radio |
rib | costilla |
scapula | omóplato |
shinbone | tibia |
shoulder blade | omóplato |
skull | cráneo |
spine | columna vertebral |
sternum | esternón |
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